What are the Causes, Types, and Treatments for the Absence of Menstruation Periods or Amenorrhea?

In most occurrences, the menstruation period becomes absent during reproductive years. This is between puberty and menopause. The condition is not a disease or a sign of infertility. However, it may be a sign of a health condition that requires some attention. Menstruation starts at puberty, and it usually happens once every month until age 50. At this point, periods stop altogether as menopause starts.

Additionally, during pregnancy, periods also halt, and it is customary to sometimes extend up to breastfeeding time. When an individual is not experiencing menstruation flow as expected, this might indicate Amenorrhea. Read on and understand the cause, types, and treatment of Amenorrhea.

Two Types of Amenorrhea

Primary Amenorrhea

It helps to remember that there are two types of Amenorrhea, including primary and secondary. The best prescription medication should treat both, like prometrium progesterone. Primary Amenorrhea is when periods fail to start during puberty. According to professionals, if periods fail to start at the age of sixteen, then it would be ideal for an individual to seek medication attention. The primary absence of the menstruation period is rare. It affects fewer individuals.

Secondary Amenorrhea

This implies when periods start, and they fail to come. The condition is normal during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Also, it may mean that there is a problem. In most states, the secondary absence of the menstruation period is believed to affect nearly four percent of women in their lifetime. Remember that when you miss your period, it is not usually a sign of a health condition, even though many individuals check if they are pregnant if this occurs.

Moreover, a medical practitioner declares secondary Amenorrhea when an individual is used to experiencing regular periods, and then it suddenly stops for three consecutive months. Amenorrhea is also proclaimed when an individual used to have irregular periods and then does not have any for six months.

Causes of Absence in Menstruation Period

The leading cause of the primary menstrual problem is delayed menstruation and family history. However, sometimes an individual may experience pain due to a genetic problem. Note that genetic issues that may halt the proper functioning of the ovary are:

  • Mullerian defects
  • Turner syndrome
  • Androgen insensitivity syndrome.

When it comes to secondary Amenorrhea, an individual can stop seeing menstruation period for various reasons, including:

  • Gynecological problem.
  • Physical stress
  • Serious sickness
  • And being with a shallow body mass index.

Symptoms of Amenorrhea

The key symptom of Amenorrhea is a lack of regular menstrual periods. However, based on the cause, other symptoms may happen, such as:

  • Vision changes.
  • Hair loss.
  • Milky discharge 
  • Headache
  • Additional facial hair

Remember that Amenorrhea is a symptom that can be treated with the correct prescription medication, such as prometrium progesterone. It is not an illness. When you are experiencing the symptoms highlighted and explained above, it is helpful to find out why there is a lack of menstruation.

When it comes to primary Amenorrhea, a common cause is the family history of delayed menstruation. But sometimes, it may result from a family genetic problem. Remember that generic issues that may lead to improper function of the ovary include:

  • Mullerian defects
  • Turner syndrome
  • Androgen insensitivity syndrome may result in high maximum levels of Testosterone.

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