Fungal Infection: Common Conditions, Symptoms, and Treatment

Getting a fungal infection is common anywhere in the world. An infection can occur when the fungus invades a specific body part. When the body’s natural immune system can’t fight the infection, it could get worse. Unfortunately, there are fungi that live in water, air, and soil. But, not all these are harmful. But, when you do get a fungal infection, treatment can be difficult and long.

How do you know you have a fungal infection?

Symptoms of a fungal infection may be easily confused with other skin conditions. In general, you can suspect an infection when you notice any changes to the skin. Unusual redness, peeling, or cracking, as well as too much itching could all point to this condition. Of course, if you want to be sure, you can have a dermatologist run some tests and diagnose the problem.

Common types of fungal infection

Here are different common conditions caused by a fungal infection.

  • Athlete’s foot. Athletes and active individuals that engage in sports are at a higher risk of getting infected. Fungi that live in warm, moist places such as gym floors can attach to the foot and multiply. Symptoms include redness, itching, and peeling in the affected area. A doctor will need to take a sample of the area to make an accurate diagnosis. Usually, an anti-fungal ointment will get rid of the symptoms.
  • Toenail fungus. Another type of fungal infection that affects the foot is toenail fungus. Early symptoms include nail discolouration and discomfort. Most people tend to ignore this condition without seeking treatment. But, toenail fungus can be very hard to treat if ignored for a long time. There are many treatment options available such as fungal nail tablets, ointments, and tinctures.
  • Yeast infection. This infection is very common in women and affects their private area. There are many factors that cause the overgrowth of yeast such as stress, medication, and hormonal imbalance. The type of treatment used depends on the severity. Doctors often prescribe ointments, creams, or suppositories.
  • Ringworm. The same fungus that causes athlete’s foot also causes ringworm. The fungus will live and multiply in dead skin cells causing circular patches that are red and scaly. Over-the-counter fungal medication or ointment is sufficient to treat minor cases. However, prescription meds may be necessary when the condition is already severe.

These fungal infections are common and affect many people from every walk of life and at any age. When diagnosed early and treated, the symptoms will go away naturally. However, medication may take time to work if the person has a weak immune system. For example, a cancer patient who is undergoing treatment or a patient with diabetes is more likely to get fungal infections because of compromised immunity.

The best way to avoid getting a fungal infection is to practice good hygiene. You need to take extra precautions when going to public baths and gyms. Most importantly, consult a dermatologist right away as soon as you notice symptoms. The earlier you get a diagnosis and begin treatment, the faster

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