Nurses: Their Crucial Role In The Transformation Of Healthcare

All the patients in any given setting require care that caters to their unique requirements. While achieving this goal, the healthcare system has undergone tremendous transformation. The healthcare system has shifted from provider-based, episodic, and fee-for-service systems to patient-centered and team-based care systems, ensuring high quality and affordable care to the patients. At the heart of this transformation, nurses have played a central role. Nurses are contributing and leading the healthcare transformative process by being an integral part of the interprofessional team. Since nurses work closest to the patients, they better understand the factors that are driving the change. The nurses play an integral role in making high-quality, accessible, and value-driven care possible for patients across the entire health system. Here are some of the ways nurses are taking the lead and transforming healthcare:

Nurses Are Leading With Advanced Degrees

With the advancement in healthcare, the nursing career is offering advanced degrees to pursue. Nurses are now on the lifelong learning path through these advanced degrees and education. You would see several nurses in the hospitals working beyond their shift as they take up advanced courses to stay updated on new healthcare advancements. Now a registered nurse (RN) who either holds a diploma or associate degree has the opportunity to enhance her career scope by opting for masters in nursing. Nurses can opt for this program online while continuing to be practicing nurses. The advanced education in nursing blends evidence-based nursing with advanced nursing theory, helping nurses to apply skills immediately. Employers are continuing to encourage nurses to acquire advanced knowledge. It has transformed the healthcare facility as nurses are now involved in boardroom discussions, policy changes, and leadership decisions.

Nurses Are The New Leaders

There has been a significant shift in the scope of the nursing profession over the last decade. You will see more nurses in the boardroom, making meaningful decisions related to patient care. Nurses are now central to the primary decision making regarding the future of healthcare and patient care. Professional nurses’ hands-on experience with the patients under every system is pivotal to drive the healthcare transformation. It is impossible to ignore the suggestions given by nurses to transform the healthcare system. The healthcare space has opened up for nurses to participate in the conversation and take up the leadership roles.

Nurses And Culture Of Health

The healthcare industry has transformed globally in the last few years as the focus has now shifted to creating a healthy culture. Healthcare isn’t just about treating an ailing patient. It has a new vision as it focuses on treating the individual along with giving a good experience. It is not only limited to treating just physical health. And who has played a central role in creating this culture? Nurses, of course. Nurses make the largest and trusted health professionals. They look at the healthcare system with a very holistic approach. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that nurses are fundamental in creating trusting relationships with the patients. They have the most convenient access to patients, therefore making essential touchpoints. And these touchpoints are pivotal for creating healthcare culture.

Nurses: Care Coordinator And Patient Safety

Being an integral part of healthcare transformation, nurses have been at the forefront of providing coordinated care to all the departments. From pharmacy, surgery, nutrition to occupational therapy, physical therapy, and social work, nurses provide coordinated care between all the departments. Besides, they are the reason for improving the mortality rate, reducing the hospital’s readmissions. Similarly, when it comes to providing and ensuring patient safety, you will see nurses at the forefront. Nurses have been central to improving the safety of the patients. Nurses have transformed the healthcare system by collaborating and communicating well to make a safe culture. When needed, the nurses speak up, follow checklists, engage patients, and learn from their experiences.

Nurses Are The Best Patient Advocates

The nursing career is nothing without empathy. Nurses have to be empathetic as they spend the maximum time with patients. It establishes a strong personal bond between the nurse and the patient. It gives nurses an edge as they develop a complete understanding of patient needs, appropriate protocols and treatment, and patient safety and makes the nurses the best advocates of their patients. Nurses apply harmony and empathy in their field. But you would be surprised to know that even after nurses stop working, they don’t stop advocating this empathy. They have been acting as role models in their communities to improve the lives of everyone around them. This selfless dedication exhibited by nurses creates change at all levels, including national, local, and international.


The new paradigm shift in the healthcare system that focuses on health is all due to the nurses. This paradigm requires a nurse to work relentlessly as a full partner. The nurses transform the healthcare system with three aims in mind; provision of improved care to the patients improves people’s health, and a significant reduction in healthcare per capita cost. Nurses are essential players, as their vital contributions have transformed healthcare. Today, they outnumber the doctors by 3 to 1.

Nurses respond to the patient’s complex needs in the most responsible and trustful manner. So if you are thinking of pursuing a nursing career, you will have a stable job and personal gratification of serving people.

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