New Trend In Dental Treatment – Pros And Cons Of Laser Dentistry

Laser treatment can reduce the stress and fear of patients; In addition to helping dentists carry out less invasive dental interventions. Lasers help young children with soft and hard tissue surgery with little discomfort, no pain after the treatment, no infections and less bleeding. That’s why in the dental industry, this cutting-edge method has been gaining in popularity.

Before getting to know the pros and cons of laser dentistry, let’s learn a little bit about the applications of Laser in dental treatment.

Some Applications In Dental Treatment

Laser is one of the methods that people choose. like the other methods. Lasers also have pros and cons of laser dentistry.

We know that Lasers have been used in dentistry to cure dental issues since 1994. However, this treatment has not been approved by the FDA back there. This means that this method was not a substitute for traditional treatment. But the American Dental Association has stated that they strongly believe in the vital role of laser in the dental field. Currently, dentists are using lasers to treat oral problems as follows:

  • Tooth decay – Cavities will be removed by Laser without causing any damage.
  • Gum disease – Laser will easily reshape gums and kill bacteria during root canal treatment
  • Teeth whitening – Laser can whiten your teeth at a fast pace. A bleaching solution will be applied on the tooth surface to increase the speed of the process
  • Cancer screening –  the laser can remove tissue and remove sores in the mouth.

How are lasers performed in dentistry?

In surgical and dental procedures, the laser acts as a cutting tool or tissue steam machine. When used in teeth whitening processes, lasers act as a heat source and enhance the effectiveness of whitening agents.

Lasers can be injurious to your teeth’s gums. Hence, ensure you are seeking treatment from the Top Rated Dentist in Dubai.

What are the pros and cons of using lasers in dentistry?

Here are some pros and cons of laser dentistry that you should consider before deciding to give this form of treatment a shot.

The Outstanding Pros Of Lasers In Dentistry

  • The use of lasers in dentistry has brought many advantages, including more accurate procedures and less damage (due to heat healing of surrounding tissue and less bleeding) than electrosurgical devices.
  • The patients can reduce or eliminate local anaesthesia, sutures, analgesics or antibiotics. Minimize bacterial infections because high-energy lasers will completely kill bacteria on treated areas.
  • The procedure is more accurate and less damaging (due to heat), heals surrounding tissue and keep the bleeding at a certain limit.
  • Shorten the time to finish the work.
  • Eliminate vibration movement, odour and fear factor when using a fast-moving drill.
  • Reduce or eliminate local anaesthesia, sutures, analgesics or antibiotics.
  • Dental lasers minimize bleeding because high energy beams of a light help to set faster.
  • Minimize bacterial infections because high-energy lasers will completely disinfect the treated area.
  • Damage to surrounding tissue is minimized.
  • Wounds heal faster and tissues can be regenerated.

Cons Of The Laser

  • Using the laser method in dental treatment is to protect eyes for patients and surrounding people during the treatment process. On the other hand, the laser is difficult to remove the damaged tooth tissue in large cavities, side cavities. And it cannot remove the old fillings.
  • For sensitive patients, dentistry still has to rely on  anaesthetic when using laser treatment.
  • Laser light is considered to be a harmful light to the eyes because if you compare laser light sources with ordinary light sources, you will see a striking difference. ordinary light sources emit light on all sides of the space while laser light sources only emit in a very narrow opening angle. Therefore, when working with high-power lasers, the first important thing is to protect the eyes with goggles. Each type of laser machine has specialized goggles. When customers are treated with a laser will wear appropriate goggles for each type of laser machine. So you must use a laser beam in a closed room so that laser light does not leak outside. And doctors and staff in the room must wear goggles.
  • The cost of dental treatment is quite high.

In summary, the pros and cons of laser dentistry we know. But this is still considered one of the methods that dentists choose the most because they deliver high and accurate results.

Let’s Wrap Up

Thus, it can be said that the invention of laser has changed dental treatments, supported the dentist in the treatment, and reduced the stress and fear of the patient.

The laser is a method trusted by many dentists because it is accurate and time-efficient. Finally, I hope the pros and cons of laser dentistry will help you.

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